
What's new

What's new

Here's what is new on Threads
  • Public share links
  • 98 new emoji reactions
  • Comment on a thread from your email
  • Start a new thread from an existing one
  • Customize when your recurring thread will post
  • Browser notifications
Have you wanted to share a discussion that's happening on Threads with someone who isn't on Threads yet? With public share links, now it's easy to do that! We've been working on some fun updates this week, and we hope you enjoy them.
Public share links
Share and collaborate with people, even if they're not on Threads. Copy your thread's public share link, and send it to anyone. They'll be able to view the thread and any responses, and sign up or sign in to join the discussion.
98 new emoji reactions 🔥 🙌 💯 🥳
Find the perfect emoji to express your reaction to a thread or response. You can now choose from an additional 98 emoji reactions!
Comment on a thread from your email
If you have email notifications turned on, you can now reply to any thread directly from your email. Simply send a reply to the email, and it will appear as a comment on the thread.
Start a new thread from an existing one
Re-share a thread in another forum by clicking the
icon at the top of any thread. A new thread will open with a link to the original thread. You can expand the thread to see all of the text.
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Customize when your recurring thread will post
Now when you schedule a recurring thread, you can customize when the thread will automatically post, to make sure it fits your schedule.
Browser notifications
Don't miss an update from your team: enable browser notifications from Threads.