
What's new

What's new

Here's what is new on Threads:
  • Add due dates to threads from inbox
  • Improved performance of the desktop app
  • Add emojis to your forums
  • New app integrations: Gmail, Trello, Jira, Asana
Add due dates to threads from inbox
You can now prioritize the threads you plan to follow up on directly from your inbox, helping you to manage your work better, as well as letting the author know when you plan to get back to them.
Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 3
Improved performance of the desktop app
With some recent optimizations, we've been able to significantly improve the performance of the desktop app. It should feel much faster, and we can't wait for you to check it out. ⚡
Don't have the desktop app yet? Download it:
Add emojis to your forums
Add an emoji to your forum, so it's easy to recognize from the left-side navigation on Threads. Go to the forum and click the boxes to the left of the forum name to add, or change, the forum's emoji.
New app integrations: Gmail, Trello, Jira, Asana
Enable apps like Gmail, Trello, Jira, and Asana on Threads to connect your workflows, step back, and let us do the rest.
Use another tool? Request an app integration directly from our integrations page.